For in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil. 最让我动容的情节是Laertes纵身跃进墓里紧紧拥抱着冰冷的Ophelia声嘶力竭地喊出台词which was so heartbreaking... 结局也很触动我没人反应过来发生了什么似的所有人却都丧命了一条接着一条的生命结束得那么潦草我没来得及感到惋惜或慨叹ed2k 泷泽萝拉就像夜晚的荒野中心那一阵满是寒意的疾风我迎来了这出伟大悲剧的惨烈收场 Polonius有些话真的让我笑到断气: How pregnant sometimes his replies are.
What are you angry about? What is it all about? Down to the end it's not worth it. 悲剧结尾看完我反而释然了不少 LOVE & PEACE